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Moral Incongruence

David Vraza MA

Some thoughts from Samuel L. Perry’s “Addicted to Lust” compiled by David Vraza MA.

Perry writes “about the curious relationship between pornography and conservative Protestants in the United States.” He finds that some of their theological beliefs exacerbate the moral incongruence they feel so acutely. He notes that “conservative Protestants both morally reject and regularly view pornography” leading to moral incongruence. Their beliefs and behaviors diminish their faith, mental health, intimate relationships, and community life.

He posits that the general public views pornography as amoral and uses it to push the boundaries of sexual freedom. On the contrary, conservative Protestants view pornography as an immoral danger to be rejected.

As a researcher, Perry recognizes that pornography “can be detrimental to romantic and family relationships, sexual functioning, mental health, and even our relationships with strangers.” Although porn is often “filled with misogynistic and racist messages” he does NOT believe that porn is always harmful. He writes, “on balance, I don’t think there is much evidence that porn (especially in its most mainstream form and as it is most often produced and used) makes the world a more humane and equitable place.”

What is the frequency of your porn use? Does your porn use leave you feeling like you violated your values? Come and join us at NewPath on Monday evenings to speak freely and with curiosity about the effect of pornography on our lives.

For more information, please call 763-566-0088 and speak to our Client Services Coordinator or stop by the NewPath Mental Health Services office at 8401 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 340, Golden Valley, MN 55426 to find out about services you are interested in.

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